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know yourself; be yourself

Loneliness is a symptom of our modern society but it goes beyond physical isolation; it's about feeling truly disconnected and unseen.

Two Story’s mission is to facilitate human connections via
offline events, workshops, and gatherings.

understand yourself
build meaningful connections
share your multidimensional story




  • Engage in group discussions and explore thought-provoking questions
  • Get to know fellow participants in a supportive setting




  • Immerse yourself in an interactive activity
  • Wind down with a relaxed apéro to mingle and meet new friends


Meet Your Match is not a speed dating event and the goal isn’t to find a romantic partner!

our aim is to guide you on a journey of self-discovery, foster intercultural connections, and help you forge meaningful relationships

Explore questions like:

  • 🤔 What aspects of my personality are shaped by my culture?
  • ❤️ Who do I aspire to be in a relationship?
  • 💑 What values and qualities do I seek in a partner?

Meet Your Match is your perfect fit if you:

  • 👥 Crave the opportunity to meet new people
  • 🧠 Are eager to gain insights into your own self
  • 🌍 Want to understand others within the context of relationships
  • 👋 Are single or are in a relationship (all are welcome)
  • 🔍 Are intrigued by the prospect of discovering your true match – which, by the way, is YOU!

"Whitney is wonderful at connecting the right people that allows for an intimate, and cozy space. I met a ton of wonderful new people that I still keep in contact with, and would recommend her workshops to anyone open to connection in a new city."

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Sarah LeeParticipant

"Meet Your Match was a surprisingly chill experience. The virtual workshop had a cozy vibe, and the in-person meet-up was laid-back. It's not your usual event – more like hanging out with people who get it. If you're into real talks and making low-key connections, it's worth checking out."

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Eshetu FelekeParticipant


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